Reasons for Existing in Nature

By Isaiah K. Jones

Being a creative at heart, I find it's important to feel at peace with oneself. As the world changes and the demands of society shift it is key to stay centered and allowing yourself to feel a part of the bigger picture. An ironic solution is going out into the the great big world and experiencing it...at times without a lens.

Go outside and meditate, or take a walk. Whatever it is, that fresh air and sunlight is important to your mental health. If you stay inside and doom scroll all day, you will feel nothing but doom. To beat the gloom the wind rustling between your hairs and the sweat on your head is the physical therapy everyone needs to heal the soul.

Something about the trees remind me what was and what will be. With a solid foundation, things will alway be, good or bad. As my favorite season, Fall, rolls around the leaves breaking free from the branches only to fall and become fertilizer for the tree and surrounding ecosystem tells me a tale of redemption. Rainfall fills my buzzing mind with a calm you can only find in good conversation. Nature makes me appreciate the world, and furthermore the people that make it up.

Phones demand our attention more than ever and pull us out of the present. Turn it off, take a journal with you, and watch the clouds. I'm sure you will find more insight into yourself and your aspirations doing this than you would within a timeline. 

I implore you to go outside.

Go outside and walk the streets filled with disposable garbage from your local large consumer corporation, breath in the tainted air and noise pollution brought to you by the automotive industry, observe that land upheaved in a desperate reach for profits, and think about solutions to these problems.

We won't preserve the beauty of our world through inefficient recycling programs, corporate promises to reduce carbon footprints within 8 or so years, when the next round of shareholders take the mantle, or with propaganda placing the blame of rampant pollution on consumers. We will preserve it with accountability, and to hold these businesses accountable we have to see the world for what it is without them.

Go outside and think about it. 


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