How you got here,
what it means,
and where we're goin'
Hi, I'm Isaiah. I could call myself a lot of things, and I have. Though, for the purposes on focusing on what I think you want, and what I can offer you, I'll just call myself a creative.
Maybe you came here because you were interested in writing for a blog.
Maybe you wanna sign up to shitpost with charm.
Maybe to vent your frustrations on our current climate and the facts that we have to face while living in it.
Whatever it may be, I am interested in empowering those interested in writing in a common place for common causes. That is to say, I do want it to be lightly moderated to prevent the spread of misinformation.
Put simply, if you state something you believe in as a fact, make sure it is not too far fringe of a conspiracy.
Even more simply put, "Bush did 9/11, landlords need to be eaten too, and Tik Tok is monitored and within the dominion of the CCP," isn't too far but, "lizard people, adrenochrome filled pop culture icons, and 'Tucker Carlson may be onto something'" is.
I like when people are creative and push against standard formats. Some people read and speak differently, and I believe it is up to each and every one of us to explore and encourage that. I believe we learn more about each other and how the world really works that way.
You may be hesitant.
Do think about it. You probably made your way here because you saw my post on instagram advertising that I want writers to partake in voluntary communal writing. You may see this disgusting non-APA, MLA, or whatever traditional style of writing you're predisposed to, and are currently taken aback by the heathen that is saying he can and wants to validate your voice as an individual and professional writer. You would be reasonable to consider that this sounds like a sham, or the endeavor of a verbose idiot, and you would be right in one regard.
At least I am, aware, and full of love.
Think of this as fancy forum, if you will. A diet reddit, at times.
I say, I cannot currently pay you, but believe it is all my intentions to reward your efforts once time and allowance provides. I also ask not any for any money in exchange. For that I will read your writings, make a few suggestions if I have something to say, fact check it if need be. Fiction is welcomed of course, but must be labeled so. News is also welcome, but there will be a discretion between entertainment, controversy, and immediately vital news. We can discuss what is "vital" news once there is enough of us to have that forum, and controversy will be taken seriously.
I want you to feel and be creative, with as little a barrier to your writing on this little portion of the net.
I hate news and also tolerate it. I think in a truly just world, we wouldn't need journalist. Currently, we do. I have to be blunt in my beliefs now, so I don't encroach upon yours later. This is my least favorite portion of writing, saying "I" over and over like a conceited influencer. I'm not a guru, just a disgruntled worker with a lot to say, and a lot of beliefs and praxis to boot.
I see things in black and white, but feel I understand the nuance that is the color spectrum, and the limitations of language used to describe it. There is so much to see and so little time to understand it all in my opinion. So I take what I can understand and hold it dear to me in the moment, and much like we should do with people we love that are bad with us, I am ready to let them go if I'm well convinced. If not, I'll at least tell myself to fuck off properly, so as to not taint you with my very specific biases. As you can see I do not mind cursing, though I use it in moderation. Take that as you will.
I only ask that you respect me, and our readers, in that light as well.
Beyond that, if you wanna know more about me, we can talk one-on-one or you can read about it here, or between the lines, on one of my many social and web pages.
So to make it 10,000% clear: For free. I will proofread, critique, fact check, edit in moderation, moderate, and upload your submitted writings to Terrarium. All you would need to submit is a ".doc" or ".txt" file, and a title, to send to me. If the amount of submissions become voluminous I will bring on trusted individuals to assist me in the moderation, critique, and fact checking processes. There will NEVER be any third-party advertising on Terrarium. Self promotion with humility is welcomed.
Use it for a portfolio, a link on a digital resume or personal card, a QR sticker on a lamp pole in the middle of skid row. Get creative.
Furthermore, I will format accompanying photos, videos, and audio for the published post as well.
I want to do this to foster a creative and honest atmosphere, for the sake of storytelling and journalism, so long as journalism is needed. That said, I am one man. Though I have a bit more free time than I used to, I can only begin reading submissions after 6:30 PM. If you want me to read it while I'm on break at work,
buy me a coffee.
I am human. I make mistakes and I will accept them for the sake of growth. I will not and cannot guarantee a same day post, moreover the idea that news has to be "breaking" reinforces the information deprived echo chamber that is mainstream media. Shit, there I go again.
Take this seriously and I will take you seriously. That is the fact of the matter.
Let's do something really fucking cool together.
If you don't want to, that's fine. If you hate this, do find some time to tell me why so I can come to understand it, or to tell you to fuck off if it is warranted. No one is making you do anything.
However, if you are interested, email me at or DM me on Instagram @plantboibeats.
I may ask to speak to you, or for a writing example. Whichever is more readily available. Lastly, make the subject line or first DM, "contextual writing is a fool's gambit". Anything else will be immediately rejected.
Fuck bots, the world is too bad for tots, bless up, get drunk, and goodnight.
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